so I started this blog so that I could let others in on my journey back to Malawi. Most of these blog posts will have to do with things related to my journey back to Malawi; both before and during the journey. Sometimes it may be about the things God is doing in my daily life that is preparing me for what lies ahead.
Tonight I heard something at church that I wanted to share with y'all. We talked about discouragement. Specifically we talked about how living from the inside out will lead you through discouragement. We were in the book of Nehemiah. Man, did I need this sermon! One of the ways that satan tried to discourage Nehemiah was by distractions. satan has tried to discourage me through distractions in many ways over the last few weeks by being sick (mostly asthma & allergy problems), through busyness of life, and by trying to give me distracting thoughts. The way Nehemiah handled the distractions was focusing and completing the task at hand. I have a task at hand right now and that is preparing for what is to come this summer in Malawi. There are tasks that need to be completed before that and I pray that God would help me to stay focused on those tasks and the call He has placed on my life for the summer. I also pray that this would encourage you to focus on what God wants you to be doing and that you would look to God and His word when you feel discouraged and distracted from the plan He has for your life!
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