Sunday, May 18, 2014


over the last couple of months:
- there are people I know who have lost loved ones
- there are people I know who have been diagnosed with cancer
- I have failed miserablely at doing this thing called life

But the beauty of it all is that there is hope. there is hope for the believer that one day Jesus will return again and we will get to live where there is no more mourning, no more crying, no more pain and we will get to live in a place where He is making all things new (Revelation 21:4-5)

but that hope is for the believer. if you do NOT know Christ as your personal Lord & Savior please feel free to message me and I would love to share with you how can have the hope that the believer has!

I leave you with the following song that has spoke to me in times of brokeness in all that is around me...

Malawi bound in September for two weeks

I am going to attempt to start blogging again; especially in the next three months as i prepare to go back Malawi, Africa in September. by the way that's only 113 days away, 2712 hours away, or 16 weeks away. in short NOT very long!

I am beyond excited that the Lord has called me to go back! But at the same time I am so nervous so please be praying for me!! Please also check back here from time to time with updates on how trip preparation and for other trip details.

click on the following link to view pictures of the other two times that I have gone to Malawi (both trips three years ago)