Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New summer plans & new summer goal

               In the last blogpost I posted about three goals I had for this summer. In addition to those goals, I've added one more goal. I've decided that I want to by mid-August have the number of Diet Mountain Dews I drink to 1-2 (it is currently at 7-8 a day) a day and I want to drink 8-10 cups of water a day by mid-August. I want to do this so that I can be more healthy but most of all to glorify God with what I put in to my body.
                I also have a huge praise to share with you all. Since finding out about a month ago that I would not be going to Malawi this summer, I have prayed that God would show me the next steps I am to be taking in regards to mission. Very specifically in the last week, I have been praying that God would show me what (& if I'm supposed) short term mission trip I'm supposed go on this year. (CrossChurch is having a campaign of having people go on a short-term mission journey during the 2012 year & I know that I'm supposed to participate in that.) This last Friday I had a conversation with a friend about the possibility of going to Haiti at the end of July for a week.I told her that I was going to spend the weekend praying about it & would have answer give answer today (so that I could get the ball rolling with everything if it was the Lord's will.) I am confident that the Lord wants me to go to Haiti at the end of July. As I prayed this weekend, I kept trying to talk myself out of going or would try to come up with excuses as to why I shouldn't go. This was especially true Sunday night when I woke up after midnight and couldn't go back to sleep/didn't have peace until I said "yes Lord, I will go." I am reminded of the passage in Isaiah 6 when Isaiah says, "Here am I send me." I want to be like that and go wherever the Lord would have me go. I would greatly appreciate your prayers, as this journey is only seven weeks away!!! the following is a list of things you can be praying for me about regarding the trip:

  1. satan would be bound from attacking me or the team
  2. that I would be able to raise the support needed to make the journey (the journey costs $1600-1800, I only have seven weeks to raise it, & the financial aspect of a trip always scares me (this is from satan I know and I need to rest solely about Christ)
  3. that God would put together the team that He would have to go on this particular journey to Hait

I am thankful for how the Lord continues to show & reveal to me the plans He has for me this summer!! I want to leave you with the verse that I am encouraged with & that is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you"

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