Friday, April 6, 2012

The Cross was enough

                  This last week has been exactly what the title of my last post was...overwhelming! I have been overwhelmed with trying to finish up my online class, with things at work, and with life in general. I also found out that because of the fuel shortage problems in Malawi that the price for my ticket is going to be significantly more than what we planned for. But I've also been overwhelmed in a very good way...for which I can't express enough gratitude for!! In the midst of a crazy week, I've had some friends who have prayed for me, encouraged me, and won't let me give up. They have pointed me back to the Bible and the Cross. The Lord is always faithful in knowing what I need when I need it and giving it to me in His timing!
                    Also for the last several weeks at church, we have been singing this song called Jesus, Son of God. In it there is a line that says "the Cross was enough." As I have been thinking about everything I need to get done in the next several weeks or about things that overwhelm me, I think about how what Jesus did on the cross should be exactly enough for me. Enough to encourage me when I feel like I can't keep on and enough to motivate me to keep marching on with His calling in my life. The Cross was enough to make a relationship with God possible and it should be enough for everything else. I hope this encourages everyone who is reading this to know that His work on the Cross was (and is) enough. And if anyone who is reading this doesn't know why the cross was enough..please message me AND I would be more than happy to talk to you about it!
                   I wanted to leave with you a story from my journey to Malawi in August about how the Cross was exactly what someone needed. We were going hut-to-hut sharing the gospel in a village about a thirty minute walk from Esther's House. I met a lady, who was very sick from malaria, who was at the same time raising her two grandkids. I shared the Gospel with her (and prayed for healing for her from the malaria). She was very eager to invite Christ into her life! She was more excited to know that the Cross was enough for the forgiveness of her sins than she was about being prayed over for healing from the malaria.

ways that you can pray for me:
- pray for the country of Malawi & specifically the fuel shortage as it is causing a lot of ripple problems for the country
- pray that I am diligent in getting things done that I need to get done
- pray that God provides the necessary support to be able to journey to Malawi..I have my first deadline in the support raising process of April 25th. That deadline is so that my airline ticket can be purchased..see for more details on how you can support me

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